Sohail Mirza, standing in for Peter.

Archive for the ‘Canada’ Category

Canadian Telecoms need to see our anger

All Bits Are Created EqualYesterday, Arstechnica reported that Bell Canada had started throttling P2P traffic not only across its own network, but even on the services being resold or redistributed by other DSL ISPs.

Throttling and other anti-P2P practises appear to gaining prevelance amongst the Canadian ISPs for some reason. Meanwhile, south of the border, the American public is in an uproar over the anti-P2P practices of Rogers‘ counterpart, Comcast. All the while, Rogers has been engaging in anti-P2P practices — in fact, anti-net neutrality practices — far worse than what Comcast has been charged with; while Comcast may be resetting P2P connections at certain times of the day or in certain areas, Rogers throttles ALL encrypted traffic wholesale.

My question is, why aren’t Canadians as concerned about Net censorship and the impaired quality of broadband offerings here? American ISPs can hardly get away with anything without Congressional hearings being arranged, and up here Rogers is making a complete mockery of the concept of net neutrality.

Canadians, it’s time to wake up and hold the telecom giants’ feet to the fire.

Someone please tell me where I can sign up to express my anger, and hopefully in a manner that might drive legislative change barring what Rogers, and now Bell, are up to. I’m angry, dangnabbit!

(Via digg)

UserFriendly on Network Neutrality

Written by Sohail Mirza

March 26, 2008 at 6:09 pm

For Freedom & Security, Take Next Exit… to Canada

Canada FlagI’m extremely proud to be a Canadian citizen. I love the country that became my home at a very young age, where I grew up, that educated me and provided opportunity, and now, the country that isn’t afraid protect the rights of the accused.

From the BBC:

Canada’s Supreme Court has struck down a controversial system that allowed the government to detain and deport foreign-born terror suspects.The nine judges ruled that the security certificate system – in place since 1978 – violated Canada’s Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The system allowed a suspect to be held indefinitely or deported on the basis of evidence presented in secret.

The case was brought by three men who deny accusations of links to al-Qaeda.

Canada, where you get freedom and security, even from the government and those that abuse authority. Americans, apply within.

Written by Sohail Mirza

February 23, 2007 at 3:47 pm

Posted in Canada, Law